Questions and answers for Interior and Exterior Finishes such as Trims, Molding, Painting, Stains, Coatings and more.
Performance Standard: Readily apparent depressions or ridges exceeding 1/8 inch shall be repaired. The ridge or depression measurement is taken with the gap at one end of a 6-inch straightedge placed over the depression or ridge with 3 inches of the straightedge held tightly to the floor on one side of the defect.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will take corrective action as necessary to bring the defect within the acceptable tolerance so that the depression or ridge is not readily visible. The remodeler will not be responsible for discontinued patterns or color variations in replacing the floor covering.
Performance Standard: Resins and extractives bleeding through paint or stain, or blackening of shakes or shingles is unacceptable since bleeding can be controlled by treatment with primers or water-repellent sealers. This performance standard does not apply if “natural weathering” is specified for the job.
Corrective Measure: One time during the warranty period the remodeler will clean and treat shakes to provide a reasonable appearance and prevent further bleeding.
Performance Standard: Bubbles resulting from trapped air that protrude higher than 1/16 inch from the floor are not acceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair the bubbles to meet the standard.
Performance Standard: Siding nails shall not be exposed under windows, doors, or eaves.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will install trim as necessary to cover the nails.
Performance Standard: Gaps between siding and moldings shall not exceed 1/4 inch.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will reinstall siding or fill gaps with caulk to meet the standard.
Performance Standard: Any piece of aluminum or vinyl lap siding more than 1/2 inch off parallel with the bottom course or more than 1/4 inch off parallel with contiguous courses is not acceptable, unless the owner and the remodeler have previously agreed to disregard the performance standard to match a preexisting structural condition.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will reinstall siding to comply with the performance standard and replace any siding damaged during removal with new siding.
Performance Standard: Visible cuts in siding shall be straight, plumb, and neat. Crooked cuts greater than 1/8 inch from true are not acceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair or replace siding with visible crooked cuts.