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HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)

Questions and answers for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Observations and Conditions.

Performance Standard: The stiffening of the ductwork and the gauge of the metal used shall be such that ducts do not “oil can.” The booming noise caused by oil canning is not acceptable.

Corrective Measure: The remodeler will correct the ductwork to eliminate noise caused by oil canning.


Performance Standard: Ductwork shall remain intact and securely fastened.

Corrective Measure: The remodeler will reattach and re-secure all separated or unattached ductwork.

Performance Standard: The heating system shall be capable of producing an inside temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, as measured in the center of each room at a height of 5 feet above the floor under local, outdoor winter design conditions as specified in the ASHRAE

Handbook: Fundamentals.1 National, state, or local energy codes shall supersede this performance standard where such codes have been locally adopted.

Corrective Measure: The remodeler will correct the heating system to provide the required temperature in accordance with the performance standard or applicable code specifications. However, the owner will be responsible for balancing dampers and registers and for making other necessary minor adjustments.

Performance Standard: If air-conditioning is installed by the remodeler, the cooling system shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, as measured in the center of each room at a height of 5 feet above the floor under local outdoor summer design conditions as specified in the ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals. In the case of outside temperatures exceeding 95 degrees Fahrenheit, the system shall keep the inside temperature 15 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the outside temperature. National, state, or local codes shall supersede this standard where such codes have been locally adopted.

Corrective Measure: The remodeler will correct the cooling system to provide the required temperature in accordance with the performance standard or applicable code specifications.


Performance Standard: None.

Corrective Measure: Condensation lines will clog eventually under normal use. The remodeler will provide unobstructed condensation lines at the time the job is accepted. The owner is responsible for maintaining them in that condition.

Performance Standard: Refrigerant lines shall not leak during normal operation.

 Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair leaking refrigerant lines and recharge the air-conditioning unit unless the damage was caused by the owner’s actions or negligence.


Performance Standard: When metal is heated, it expands, and when cooled, it contracts. The resulting “ticking” or “crackling” sounds generally are to be expected and do not constitute a defect.

Corrective Measure: None.