Below are Observations, Performance Standards and Corrective Measures for most building construction projects
Performance Standard: Bows exceeding 1/4 inch in 16 inches are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will replace any wood lap siding with bows exceeding the performance standard, and finish replacement siding to match the existing siding as closely as practical.
Discussion: If the siding is held by nails into studs and is force-fit during installation, expansion caused by increasing relative humidity may cause bulges or waves. Even with proper installation, siding will tend to bow inward and outward in adjacent stud spaces.
Performance Standard: End gaps wider than 1/8 inch are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair end gaps that do not meet the performance standard by providing joint covers or by caulking the gap. If the siding is painted, the remodeler will paint the new caulking to match the siding as closely as practical.
Performance Standard: Any piece of lap siding more than 1/2 inch off parallel with the bottom course or more than 1/4 inch off parallel with contiguous courses is unacceptable, unless the owner and the remodeler have previously agreed to disregard the performance standard to match a preexisting structural condition.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will reinstall siding to meet the performance standard for straightness and replace any siding damaged during removal with new siding.
Discussion: This defect is preventable. Lap siding can be kept straight by measuring and marking the courses on the comers, snapping lines between the marks, and holding the courses to the marks. However, if the remodeler and the owner have agreed that the floor of an addition is to be on a different plane from an existing floor (e.g., out of level), the siding on the addition may not be parallel and in line with the existing siding.
Performance Standard: Stains extending more than 1/2 inch from the: nail and readily visible from a distance of more than 20 feet are unacceptable. This performance standard does not apply if “natural weathering” is specified for the job.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler can choose either to remove stains that do not meet the performance standard, or to paint (or stain) all the siding a color selected by the owner.
Discussion: Stains may be from oxidation of nails or leaching of extractives from the wood. Use of galvanized nails (even double hot-dipped) will not necessarily prevent staining. Clear water-repellent sealer applied immediately after installation of siding will retard leaching and rusting.
Performance Standard: Exterior brick and stone shall be free from mortar stains detracting from the appearance of the finished wall when viewed from a distance of 20 feet.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will clean the mortar stains to meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Any such blemishes that are readily visible from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair such blemishes only once during the warranty period. The remodeler will repaint repaired areas. A perfect match between original and new paint cannot be expected, and the remodeler is not required to paint an entire wall or room. The remodeler is not required to repair defects that are covered by wallpaper and, therefore, not visible.
Performance Standard: None.
Corrective Measure: None.
Performance Standard: Exposure to natural light may cause spots on and minor fading of the carpet.
Corrective Measure: None.
Performance Standard: Readily visible nail pops on resilient flooring are not acceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will correct nail pops that have broken the surface. The remodeler will repair or replace, at the remodeler’s option, resilient floor covering in the affected area with similar material. The remodeler is not responsible for discontinued patterns or color variations in replacing the floor covering.
Performance Standard: Patterns at seams between adjoining pieces shall be aligned to within 1/8 inch.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will correct the flooring to meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Resilient floor tiles shall be securely attached to the floor.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will attach loose resilient floor tiles securely to the floor. The old adhesive will be removed if necessary to re-secure the tiles.
Performance Standard: Setting nails and filling nail holes are considered part of painting and finishing. After painting or finishing, nails and nail holes shall not be readily visible from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions.
Corrective Measure: Where the remodeler is responsible for painting, the remodeler shall take action necessary to meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Joint separations exceeding 1/8 inch are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will caulk or repair siding as necessary to fill the joint. The repaired area may not match the original siding precisely.
Performance Standard: Openings at joints in trim and moldings, and at joints between moldings and adjacent surfaces, shall not exceed 1/8 inch in width.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair defective joints as defined. Caulking is acceptable.
Performance Standard: Cracks greater than 3/8 inch in width are not acceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair cracks in excess of the performance standard by tuck pointing, patching, or painting. The remodeler will not be responsible for color variation between original and new mortar.
Discussion: Small hairline cracks resulting from shrinkage are common in mortar joints in masonry construction.
Performance Standard: Trim edges at inside comers shall be coped or mitered.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will finish inside comers by coping or mitering.
Performance Standard: No point along the bottom of any course shall be more than 1/4 inch higher or lower than any other point within 10 feet along the bottom of the same course, or 1/2 inch in any length, except that the owner and the remodeler may agree to match or otherwise compensate for preexisting conditions.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will rebuild the wall as necessary to meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Splits in interior trim are unacceptable if they exceed 1/8 inch in width and 1 inch in length.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair and refinish or replace split interior trim to meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Cracks in exterior stucco wall surfaces shall not exceed 1/8 inch in width.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair cracks exceeding 1/8 inch in width once during the warranty period.
Discussion: “Stucco” includes cementitious coatings and similar synthetically based finishes.
Performance Standard: Hammer marks on interior trim shall not be readily visible from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will fill hammer marks and refinish or replace affected trim to meet the performance standard. Refinished or replaced areas may not match surrounding surfaces exactly.
Performance Standard: The finishes of new exterior stucco walls may not perfectly match the finishes of old exterior stucco walls.
Corrective Measure: None.
Performance Standard: Joints between exterior trim elements, including siding and masonry, shall not result in joints opened wider than 3/8 inch. In all cases the exterior trim shall perform its function of excluding the elements.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair open joints that exceed the performance standard. Caulking is acceptable.
Performance Standard: Splits wider than 1/8 inch are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair splits by filling with a permanent filler.
Performance Standard: Bows and twists exceeding 5/16 inch in 8 feet are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair defects exceeding the performance standard by refastening or replacing deformed boards.
Performance Standard: Cups exceeding 1/8 inch in 51/2 inches are unacceptable.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will repair defects exceeding the performance standard by refastening or replacing deformed boards.
Performance Standard: Painted or finished surfaces shall be free of observable mildew and fungus at the time the job is completed. However, mildew or fungus may form on painted surfaces over time because of warmth and moisture.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will remove mildew and fungus before completion of the job. Subsequent mildew or fungus formation is a condition the remodeler cannot control. The owner is responsible for future cleaning of the painted item as necessary to prevent or remove mildew and fungus.
Performance Standard: Painted and finished surfaces shall be free of observable mildew and fungus at the time the job is completed. However, mildew or fungus may form on painted surfaces over time because of warmth and moisture.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will remove mildew and fungus before completion of the job. Subsequent mildew or fungus formation is a condition the remodeler cannot control. The owner is responsible for future cleaning of the painted item as necessary to prevent or remove mildew and fungus.
Performance Standard: The surface being painted shall not show through new paint when viewed from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will recoat as necessary to meet the standard and match surrounding areas as closely as practical.
Performance Standard: Paint spatters shall not be readily visible on walls, woodwork, floors or other interior surfaces when viewed from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will remove paint spatters to meet the standard.
Performance Standard: Lap marks shall not be readily visible on interior paint or stain when viewed from a distance of 6 feet under normal lighting conditions.
Corrective Measure: The remodeler will refinish as necessary to meet the standard and match surrounding areas as closely as practical.